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Qualifications, Continuing Education and Professional Development
Courses/Classes & Private Tuition
Why choose Virtual training?
Skype or Zoom Consultations
Virtual Classes
Separation Struggles - 12 week virtual course
Reactivitiy and Growing Disengagement from Distractions - 12 week course
Virtual - Cat training class
Virtual - Cooperative Care
Virtual - Growing Confidence Course
Virtual - Loose Lead Walking and Engagement Course
Virtual - Training with multiple dogs
Virtual - Tricks Course
Virtual - Puppy Pre-Primary School - dogs up to 6 months
Online Courses
K9 manners online - info
K9 Manners Online
K9 Manners Period 1
K9 Manners Period 2
K9 Manners Period 3
K9 Manners Period 4
K9 Manners Period 5
K9 Manners Period 6
Cooperative Care Online - info
Cooperative Care Online
Cooperative Care Period 1
Cooperative Care Period 2
Cooperative Care Period 3
Cooperative Care Period 4
Cooperative Care Period 5
Cooperative Care Period 6
Building Confidence and Resilience Online - info
Building Confidence and Resilience
Building Confidence and Resilience - pre start
Building Confidence and Resilience - 1
Building Confidence and Resilience - 2
Building Confidence and Resilience - 3
Building Confidence and Resilience - 4
Building Confidence and Resilience - 5
Building Confidence and Resilience - 6
Tricks Course Online
Private Tuition
Private Pricing
Polite Manners Challenge 2019 - 1 task each month
Selfie Challenge 2020 - 1 task per month
Fitness Conditioning Challenge 2018 - 1 task each month
Husbandry Challenge 2017 - 1 task each month
Trick Challenge 2016 - 1 trick each month
Homemade Bird Treats
Pocket Pets
Learning Theory
The Four D's of training
Cues vs Commands
Using food in training
Setting up for Success
Body Language
Canine Body Language
Feline Body Language
Kids & Dogs
Preparing Your Pooch For Baby's Arrival
Fun Games for Kids & Dogs
How Kids Should Interact with Dogs - Dr Sophia Yin
How Kids Shouldn't Interact with Dogs - Dr Sophia Yin
Family Paws Information sheets
Husbandry Behaviours
Muzzle Training
Elizabethan Collar
Sustained Target
Common Doggy Dilemmas
Adolescence - Sexual maturity and puppy licence expiration
Adrenaline Levels
Creating Calmness
Alone time is good
Separation Distress
OMG!! You've got a new puppy (or are thinking about one)... What next?
Buyers remorse
Adopting 2 Puppies
Dog Fights
Escaping Dogs
What's so good about rolling in poo & other stinky stuff?
My dog is Barking - Help!!
Growling is Good
Muzzle Training
Dog Vision
Firework Fear
Coprophagia - The act of Poo Eating
Managing Multiple Mutts
Puppy Socialisation and Fear Periods
30-day socialisation puppy challenge
Newly adopted rescue dog
Humping Hounds
Deference Training - Karen Overall protocol
Dog Parks. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.
Dominance in Dog Training
Dog-Dog Play
Leash Reactivity in Dogs
Look At That (LAT)
Management IS Training
Boredom Busters
Recycled Enrichment
Crate Rest Crazies
Make your dog a TugToy
Rules for TUG & GIVE
Bottle Bug Besties
Milk Bottle Bungee
Snuffle Mat Mayhem
Hot Weather Hints
Wet Weather Fun
Shaping Behaviour
The Bucket Game
Scent Work at Home
ACE Free work
Special Needs Pets
Blind Dogs
Deaf Dogs
Helpful Hints & Ideas
Concept Training
Emotions and the affect on our pets
Choosing a Trainer
Psychologist vs Psychiatrist
Relaxation Protocol
Cues vs Commands
The Gut Microbiome
Sleep - why it is so important
The Collar Grab
Knowing when to say goodbye
Grief and Depression in pets
Preparing your dog for a vet visit
TTouch Wrap
Easter Dangers
Winter and Your Pet
Chooks As Pets
Making and Using a Longline
Tips for Taking Great Pet Pics
Keeping your pets safe this Christmas
Pill Pockets - an aid to giving your pet oral medication
Food Tubes
Trish's Training Treats
Increasing the value of dry food used for rewards
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Car Safety and your pet
Moving House
Keeping Cats Happy - Helpful Tips
Feline Happiness
Keeping Cats Happy - Choosing a Litter Tray
Keeping cats Happy - Choosing a scratching post
Introducing Cats and Dogs
Introducing Cats
All Pets Ed Case Studies
What to do in an Emergency
Bloat or Gastric Dilation Volvulus
Tick Paralysis
Toad Toxicity
Xylitol Toxicity
Common Toxins
Words of Wisdom & Inspiring Quotes
Recommended Reading
Policies and Procedures
Free Puppy Ebook
How Kids
Interact with Dogs
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