JANUARY = Spin & Rewind
Turn clockwise, and Anticlockwise – once in each direction
FEBRUARY = High Five
Modify a shake a paw to become a high five
MARCH = Roll Over or Crawl (Pick one)
Do whatever is suitable for your pet – no pushing over. Crawl should be a minimum distance of 50cm.
APRIL = Ball Push
Push a ball a distance of 1 metre into a goal
MAY = Shape discrimination
Identify 1 shape from 3 – e.g. a Square, in a Square, Circle and Triangle
JUNE = Back up/Reverse
Walk backwards a distance of 50 cm – you must remain stationary and not walk into them
JULY = Ahhchooo
Retrieve a Tissue from a tissue box and bring it to you
AUGUST = Karate Kick or Sustained Target (Pick one)
Kick a box/book with hind leg, or place chin/nose/beak onto object/hand for minimum of 10 seconds
SEPTEMBER = Clean up
Put 3 toys away, or 3 pieces of rubbish into a bin
OCTOBER = Be “Sad”
Put head on floor between feet, or hang head down – maintain position for 5 seconds
NOVEMBER = Weaving
Small animals, weave between your legs, or large animal weave between poles/cones
DECEMBER = Wrap a present or Put a Present under tree or Put Tinsel on tree (Pick one)
Show me what you can do!
Turn clockwise, and Anticlockwise – once in each direction
FEBRUARY = High Five
Modify a shake a paw to become a high five
MARCH = Roll Over or Crawl (Pick one)
Do whatever is suitable for your pet – no pushing over. Crawl should be a minimum distance of 50cm.
APRIL = Ball Push
Push a ball a distance of 1 metre into a goal
MAY = Shape discrimination
Identify 1 shape from 3 – e.g. a Square, in a Square, Circle and Triangle
JUNE = Back up/Reverse
Walk backwards a distance of 50 cm – you must remain stationary and not walk into them
JULY = Ahhchooo
Retrieve a Tissue from a tissue box and bring it to you
AUGUST = Karate Kick or Sustained Target (Pick one)
Kick a box/book with hind leg, or place chin/nose/beak onto object/hand for minimum of 10 seconds
SEPTEMBER = Clean up
Put 3 toys away, or 3 pieces of rubbish into a bin
OCTOBER = Be “Sad”
Put head on floor between feet, or hang head down – maintain position for 5 seconds
NOVEMBER = Weaving
Small animals, weave between your legs, or large animal weave between poles/cones
DECEMBER = Wrap a present or Put a Present under tree or Put Tinsel on tree (Pick one)
Show me what you can do!
MONTHLY ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD from CHEW CHOMP and CHILL for the video with the most likes*
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION from All Pets Education and Training
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION from All Pets Education and Training
Competition is open to ALL animals. If you can train the animal, it can enter.
You do not have to enter with the same animal each month.
Post your video to All Pets Education and Training Facebook page (either direct or via YouTube) or Email your Video with your name, pets name and trick month to [email protected]
All tricks must be trained using reward based methods.
Have fun with your pet! And more importantly make sure your pet is having fun with you!!
Consider your pet’s safety – if they are not suitable for a trick adjust it so that it suits them.
Video submissions must be no longer than 60 seconds. Preferably 30 seconds or less. Videos must be submitted by last day of the month.
*Encouragement Awards must be collected in-store from Chew Chomp and Chill
Competition is open to ALL animals. If you can train the animal, it can enter.
You do not have to enter with the same animal each month.
Post your video to All Pets Education and Training Facebook page (either direct or via YouTube) or Email your Video with your name, pets name and trick month to [email protected]
All tricks must be trained using reward based methods.
Have fun with your pet! And more importantly make sure your pet is having fun with you!!
Consider your pet’s safety – if they are not suitable for a trick adjust it so that it suits them.
Video submissions must be no longer than 60 seconds. Preferably 30 seconds or less. Videos must be submitted by last day of the month.
*Encouragement Awards must be collected in-store from Chew Chomp and Chill